Award Winners

 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Domain Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for
Drletizia.verdolottiVerdolottiNational Research Center (CNR)ItalyMaterials synthesis and processingComposite materialsBest Researcher Award
Prof DrTerryAlfordArizona State UniversityUnited StatesMaterials synthesis and processingdiamond carbide formationExcellence in Innovation
DrMalleshamBandiSR UniversityIndiaPhase transitions and critical phenomenaStructural Phase TransitionsBest Researcher Award
Assist Prof DrEmanEleshPort said universityEgyptCondensed matter spectroscopy and microscopyoptical propertiesWomen Researcher Award
ProfTerryAlfordArizona State UniversityUnited StatesPhase transitions and critical phenomenamaterials synthesisExcellence in Innovation
Assist Prof DrAsmaAlenadJouf UniversitySaudi ArabiaEnergy materials and clean energy technologies Condensed matter education and outreachMaterial chemistry and synthesisWomen Researcher Award
Prof DrI.TZedanFaculty of postgraduate studies for advanced sciences, BSU, EgyptEgyptCondensed matter spectroscopy and microscopyoptical and electrical characterizationBest Researcher Award
DrAkintayoAkindeleLadoke Akintola University of TechnologyNigeriaTheoretical and computational condensed matter physicsFluid DynamicsBest Paper Award
DrHebat-AllahTohamyNational Research CentreEgyptNanoscale and low-dimensional materialsMaterials synthesis and processingBest Researcher Award
Assist Prof DrMaria RosariaAcocellaUniversity of SalernoItalyothersnanomaterials, synthesis and applicationBest Researcher Award
ProfMicheleMeranoUniversità degli Studi di PadovaItalyNanoscale and low-dimensional materialsoptical propertiesBest Researcher Award
DrAhmedFahdTechnical Research Center, EgyptEgyptothersEnergetic materials and nanotechnology.Best Researcher Award
Prof DrWaleed RagabAgami (W.R. Agami)Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams UniversityEgyptElectronic and magnetic properties of solidsNanomaterialsBest Researcher Award
DrJoseOrdonez-MirandaCentre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS)JapanSurface science and interface physicsThermopolaritonicsBest Researcher Award
MsRaniaEmaraAlexandria UniversityEgyptCondensed matter spectroscopy and microscopySolid state physicsYoung Scientist Award
MsRaniaEmaraAlexandria UniversityEgyptCondensed matter spectroscopy and microscopySolid state physicsYoung Scientist Award
DrJeremyFleuryEPFLSwitzerlandNanoscale and low-dimensional materialsHierarchical metal mesh for electrochromic applicationExcellence in Innovation
Assist Prof DrVijaySinghPanjab University, ChandigarhIndiaothersChemical SciencesBest Researcher Award
MrSUKDEBMANDALCSIR-Central Mechanical Engineering Research InstituteIndiaSurface science and interface physicsCorrosion and Coating; AdhesionExcellence in Research
DrRajathsingKalusulingamSouthern Federal UniversityRussiaSoft condensed matter and colloidsMaterial ScienceBest Researcher Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Domain Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for


Assoc Prof Dr.Yun Dong ,Lanzhou University of Technology ,China | Best Researcher Award

International Research Awards on Condensed Matter Physics

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