Award Winners

 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Domain Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for
DrMd KashifShamimAnugrah Narayan CollegeIndiaElectronic and magnetic properties of solidsMultiferroics ceramics and thin filmsBest Researcher Award
Prof DrHadiGoudarziUrmia UniversityIranNanoscale and low-dimensional materialstransport properties of two dimensional materialsBest Researcher Award
Assoc Prof DrZabiollahMahdavifarShahid Chamran University of AhvazIranTheoretical and computational condensed matter physicsComputational Materials ScienceTop Researcher Award
DrGhulamMurtazaGovernment College University Lahore PakistanPakistanElectronic and magnetic properties of solidsEnergy MaterialsBest Researcher Award
DrHajarRajaei LitkohiAmol university of special modern technologiesIranNanoscale and low-dimensional materialsCondensed Matter PhysicsBest Researcher Award
ProfHosseinEbrahimnezhadSahand university of TechnologyIranSuperconductivity and low-temperature physicsPrediction of the critical temperature of superconducting materialsBest Researcher Award
Assist Prof DrHamidehShakeripourIsfahan University of TechnologyIranStrongly correlated systems and quantum criticalitysuperconductivityBest Paper Award
ProfGuangshunWangUniversity of Nebraska Medical CenterUnited StatesothersMolecular engineeringBest Researcher Award
ProfTakashiMatsuokaTohoku UniversityJapanMaterials synthesis and processingsemiconductorsLifetime Achievement Award
ProfMehdiAmirnasrIsfahan University of TechnologyIranNanoscale and low-dimensional materialsCatalysis/ Cu8 clusters as catalysts in CuAAC click reactionBest Paper Award
DrAhmedAzzouz-RachedMagnetic Materials Laboratory, Faculty of Exact Sciences, Djillali Liabes University of Sidi Bel-Abbes, AlgeriaAlgeriaEnergy materials and clean energy technologies Condensed matter education and outreachMaterials sciencesBest Paper Award
DrQiCaoNorthwestern Polytechnical UniversityChinaEnergy materials and clean energy technologies Condensed matter education and outreachperovskite solar cellsBest Researcher Award
DrKwadwoDomprehUniversity of Cape CoastGhanaNanoscale and low-dimensional materialsAcoustic effects in low-dimensional materialsBest Researcher Award
Assist Prof DrQi-JunSunGuangdong University of TechnologyChinaElectronic and magnetic properties of solidsMetal Oxide TransistorsBest Researcher Award
DrEmmaOrtizInstituto Nacional de NeurologiaMexicoMaterials synthesis and processingNanomaterials for neuroscience applicationsExcellence in Research
Assoc Prof DrAbdelkaderNebatti Ech CherguiLaboratory of Materials Sciences and Applications (LMSA) University of Ain-Temouchent Belhadj BouchaibAlgeriaMaterials synthesis and processingthin films/doped metal oxide/optoelectronicBest Paper Award
DrMehulkumarLaljibhai SavaliyaAtmiya University, RajkotIndiaMaterials synthesis and processingCatalysis for bioenergy applicationBest Researcher Award
DrJain RuthD.E.St. Xaviers College, PalayamkottaiIndiaEnergy materials and clean energy technologies Condensed matter education and outreachPiezoelectric ceramicsBest Researcher Award
MrLahcenBounaFaculty of Sciences, Ibn Zohr UniversityMoroccoSurface science and interface physicsMaterials sciencesBest Paper Award
DrMOUNIRTAFKIRTELaboratory of Metrology and Information Processing Faculty of Science, Ibn Zohr UniversityMoroccoTheoretical and computational condensed matter physicsComputational wave propagation and signal processing for material characterizationBest Researcher Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Domain Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for


Assoc Prof Dr.Yun Dong ,Lanzhou University of Technology ,China | Best Researcher Award

International Research Awards on Condensed Matter Physics

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